New Search
To create a new search:
From the InfoTrack page in either the client or matter band, in the Action menu, select “Create new search”

If searching from the Matter Console page, the search with be initiated and you will be taken to
the InfoTrack search page (within your default Web browser).
If searching from the Client Console page and the client has more than one active Matter with
disbursements enabled, then the user will be presented with a list of active Matters to select a
Matter for the search to be linked to.

You will then be logged into the InfoTrack search page with the matter ID pre-populated and
non- editable ready for the user to commence their search.

Once the search has been completed, select Refresh from the Action menu

The search will be displayed

The document column will only show in the grid if an InfoTrack DMS code is provided in SUPS.
This is the Search Document file number when VC is the DMS used. Click on it and it will open
the PDF report of the search.

Where ADM is the DMS used, the document column will show the document description.

Searching where an ACN number exists for the client

The ACN number will pre-populate
Disbursement Charge
The integration process will create a completed disbursement batch for the InfoTrack search at
the total cost of the search as charged by InfoTrack.
Completed Disbursement Header

Disbursement charge information.

The narration includes different information dependant on the type of search.