Title search

Property legislation in all states and territories is based on the Torrens principle of registration of title. Each state and territory have a central register of all land in the state (such as the NSWLRS in NSW, or Land Data in VIC) which shows the owner of the land through a title search.

At InfoTrack, we have access to all of these land registries and gives you access from the one online system. The title, sometimes called a deed reference, can also include information about mortgages, covenants, caveats and easements.

InfoTrack has access to all National Land Registries for all your title searching needs in the one online system across the following states:

Key benefits to your business of ordering a title search with InfoTrack:

  • When ordering your title search you can verify your title particulars at no extra charge to check vendor details and property details prior to ordering.
  • Save your time when preparing a contract for strata properties, as the system recognises the title is for a strata plan. This means you will be provided with the option to order the Common Property Title at the same time.
  • Save your time by ordering and verifying up to 50 titles in one step, for multiple title searching.
  • Title searches available across all states, including title search NSW, title search VIC & title search QLD.
  • Ability to order a title search in New Zealand.

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