Why Title Insurance is important in the age of e-settlements

Insurance… there are so many different types. You always hear about that one guy who claims he slipped and fell off his own roof and got some massive settlement by dredging every cent he could…

How to make money in a slowing conveyancing market

Smokeball’s belief and emphasis around conveyancing and legal business KPIs was born from a continuous observation of small Australian conveyancing and legal businesses not knowing where to look to chart their next steps and know…

Historical title searches tell the story of Bathurst's heritage homes

Historical title searches tell the story of Bathurst’s heritage homes

 In 2015, one of our clients, Mrs Lee Steele, published a book for Bathurst’s Bicentennary titled ‘100 Heritage Homes of Bathurst & District’.  Bathurst was the colony’s first inland settlement, established by Governor Macquarie in…

Old System Searching

5 facts about Old System Searching

We sat down with Mark Groll, InfoTrack’s Old System Searching Specialist and one of only three people in NSW who can do all aspects of Old System Searching to learn more about the process. Mark…

5 InfoTrack features that will make your life easier

5 InfoTrack features that will make your life easier

Every day, we have users facing little challenges that threaten their patience. At InfoTrack, we are all about making these challenges, well, less challenging.It’s usually those little things that no one really knows or mentions…

Tracing family history through property searches

Tracing family history through property searches

At InfoTrack, one of our core values is that we care about the clients we work for and nothing makes us happier than being able to make a difference in a client’s life. Frank Dyball is…

ARNECC's Model Participation Rules Version

3 Key updates in ARNECC’s Model Participation Rules Version 5

In December 2018, ARNECC released Version 5 of its Model Participation Rules and Operating Requirements for e-conveyancing. NSW, VIC, QLD, WA & SA have all adopted the new versions and they will come into effect on 25…

Diversity should be second nature for any business

Diversity should be second nature for any business

Diversity in the workplace means having employees from a wide range of backgrounds. If you have a diverse workplace in your business, you can benefit from different talents, perspectives, experiences, viewpoints, increased adaptability and a broader…

Lotsearch Environmental Risk Reports

Product Update: Lotsearch Environmental Risk Reports

We’re excited to bring you some new environmental risk reports from Lotsearch that will help you to complete your due diligence and protect your clients’ interests. There are around 160,000 contaminated land sites across Australia…

5 Red flags in conveyancing transactions

5 Red flags in conveyancing transactions

Conveyancing is not just changing the ownership on a Title. Conveyancers have a huge responsibility toward their clients and make a lot of judgment calls to ensure compliance throughout the conveyance, especially when it comes…