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Property Ownership Search

National Property Ownership Search

This search allows you to search for properties owned by an individual or company throughout Australia. As opposed to manually conducting this search in each state, using InfoTrack you can request a single National Search that captures all properties owned.

This search is turned around in 1 -2 hours and results are returned in a PDF with a cover sheet indexing the different results in each state. This search is useful in most areas of law that require a due diligence check on National Property Ownership.

Using the National Property Ownership Search will save you substantial time searching each State and Territory Land Register separately, as all you need to do is provide the individual or company name.

The National Property Ownership Search would be relevant to you in the following areas:
  • Investigating property ownership by a company
  • Investigating property ownership by an individual of a particular land parcel
  • For bankruptcy matters
  • For debt recovery matters

What States Can I perform a Property Ownership Search in?

InfoTrack offers a state-based ‘Owner Name’ Search in the following States and Territories of Australia:

  • NSW
  • VIC
  • QLD
  • TAS
  • ACT
  • WA
  • SA
  • NT

However for larger legal matters requiring due diligence or investigation, we also offer the National Property Ownership Search.

Need a one-off search? Search this information now.