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CreditorWatch report

CreditorWatch report

Credit reports provide insightful information to assist in your assessment of defining how creditworthy a business in Australia is. CreditorWatch aggregates data from multiple government sources and over 50,000 CreditorWatch customers to provide the most comprehensive reports that include:  

    1. Publically available ASIC Search and/or ABR data:
    • ABN and/or ACN
    • Names – legal, trading, main, other, previous
    • Locality
    • Entity type
    • Entity status
    • Class and subclass
    • GST Status
    • Registration date
    1. Adverse Data (if present)
    • Payment defaults (unique to CreditorWatch) – creditor, amount outstanding, payment due date
    • Court actions – plaintiff, action type, action amount, action date, nature of claim, proceeding number and location
    • Mercantile Enquiries (unique to CreditorWatch) – registered date, mercantile agent and contract number for mercantile agent
    • ASIC insolvency notices – notices relating to; external administrations, winding up notifications (ASIC, voluntary and members); schemes of arrangements; deregistration’s
    • Credit enquiries
  1. CreditorWatch Credit Score
  • Current score
  • 12 month historical score trend
  • Trading recommendation
  1. Company Overview & Credit Status Report
  • InfoTrack’s new Company Overview & Credit Status Report provides you with a deeper level of critical information by allowing you to access both ASIC and CreditorWatch information in a single order.
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