Automation technology

Automation is transforming the workflows and processes of many industries, with legal being no exception. As technology continues to advance, more and more law firms are looking to automate various aspects of their operations. In fact, 53% of firms are prioritising the implementation of workflow technology in the next 2 years. Keep your firm’s tech up to date to remain competitive in the market and to reap the many benefits automation can offer.

How automation can transform your firm

Increased efficiency

One of the key reasons to introducing automation into your firm is to increase efficiency. Automation can be used in your firm to reduce and eliminate onerous, administrative tasks, such as data entry, or save time by having automatic alerts to important information, to save you time searching databases. This can increase firm wide productivity, by allowing staff to get through their workload faster. Client satisfaction is also increased as staff can action communications faster and spend more time building relationships.

Improved accuracy

Not only can automation increase efficiency within your firm, but it can also improve accuracy by reducing the occurrence of costly errors. Mistakes are inevitable, but when smart automation replaces tasks that are traditionally error-prone, such as data entry, the occurrence of errors will be lessened dramatically, as will the time and cost associated with fixing them.

Reduced costs

Introducing automation technology into your firm has the capability to save money and therefore increase margins. Automating tasks that would otherwise require manual labour means that there is no need to hire additional staff, and current staff can focus on alternative tasks that automation has less of a role in. A mentioned, using automation reduces errors, and therefore the costs associated with rectifying them also decreases.

Better client service

Increasing efficiency, improving accuracy, and reducing costs all contribute to a better experience for your clients. Your firm can handle matters quicker, with less errors, and in a more cost-effective manner, the benefits of which are passed onto your clients. This contributes to strengthening your client relationships and improves your firm’s reputation in the industry.

Where to start

Automation is essential to managing an optimal firm, but where do you start?

When planning to introduce automation into your firm, the best place to begin is to identify the areas that your law firm could most benefit from automation. Consider and prioritise the tasks that are time consuming, or are prone to errors, such as data entry. These are the areas in which automation can make the biggest impact.

A great starting point is to integrate InfoTrack with your Practice Management System (PMS). InfoTrack’s integration can transform your firm by automating time consuming elements of your practice.

You can reduce time spent on data entry, as well as possible errors associated with this. Integration allows you to avoid rekeying data between your systems, while also allowing you to seamlessly order all searches, certificates, and contracts more efficiently. Integration can also save you time, as you will be automatically alerted to important property information, without having to search for it.

Overall, automation can offer your firm a range of benefits, from increased efficiency to improved accuracy and client service. Take advantage of smart, integrated technology to meet your client’s needs, and keep your firm ahead in a competitive market.

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