Starting your own practice? Here’s the one thing you need to succeed

Starting your own practice? Here’s the one thing you need to succeed

Whether you’ve just finished your law degree or have done your time in big firms, now you might be looking to start your own practice. You work hard to find your first few clients, but you start to…

Jonathan Mamaril headshot

Working from home (WFH): What Powers Do HR and Employers Have Really?

This article has been republished with permission from NB Lawyers | Lawyers for Employers. Read the original article here. COVID-19, lockdown, face masks, illness, border closures and work from home (WFH) and remote working.  These…

Why complete a title search?

Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin A title search helps give you the complete picture and history of the property you are investigating. Previously, we have written about 5 things that a title…

Updates to NSW e-conveyancing mandate

On 22 December 2020, the Registrar General announced that a further twenty-nine dealings would be mandated to be lodged electronically from 22 March 2021. These twenty-nine dealings are in addition to those which are already…

Working longer hours won’t grow your firm, but here are some things that will

We’ve all heard the old adage – work smarter not harder, but in a competitive market it is important to get ahead and stay ahead. You may find it tempting to work longer hours, especially…

3 ways your technology provider paves the way for the growth of your firm

When you’re facing challenges, you need support and solutions fast. Choosing a technology provider who can help you navigate those challenges quickly and with ease is key to your firm’s growth and success. When choosing…

Challenge yourself: Implement these tips and actions to establish strong work/life balance

Off the back of the Workplace Wellbeing webinar series, hosted with Amanda Mead and Dr Leila Davis in November 2020, InfoTrack again spoke to the pair about implementing actions and take-home tips to establish strong…

Why every business has a responsibility to take cybercrime seriously

The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) is responsible for strengthening Australians cyber resilience and building awareness in both the business and consumer sectors.  This group manages “ReportCyber”, a government initiative which facilitates the reporting of…

New Year, New Software provider?

There are numerous legal practice management system (PMS) providers currently on the market. But how do you choose a solution that will address your specific needs and serve you in a way that will support…

Customer-focused, good service, smart technology: how you get ahead in 2021

According to Thomson Reuters’ “Australia: State of the Legal Market Report”, two-thirds of Australian lawyers felt that firms were adequately investing in legal tech. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, more firms have embraced digital practises to complete their matters. We…