20 November 2018

New security measures

A recent flash poll on our website emphasised that security is becoming a higher priority for practitioners with 30% stating they were ‘extremely concerned’ about it and 50% saying they plan to implement new security measures in the next 12 months.

In the past 24 months, hacking was the most commonly encountered security threat, followed by malware attacks and email interception. These results indicate that firms are facing serious cybersecurity threats. Over the next several weeks we’ll be releasing a series of blogs focussed on how you can enhance security in your organisation and protect your firm from cyber threats.


Which security threats have you experienced in the past 24 months?


As firms look towards implementing new security measures, we thought we’d share some tips that have helped us build a solid foundation for our security program. When we think about organisational security, there are four key actions we focus on that apply to any business.

1) Nurture a security culture in your organisation

Security culture needs to filter throughout your organisation. It can’t be solely up to your IT department and has to come from the top down. You should include it as part of your induction and regular training programs so that all employees are aware of the possible threats and the best way to protect against them. It should be a part of your everyday business practices and all staff should feel equally responsible for it. 

2) Verify any and all communications

Never be complacent when it comes to communications. As professionals, you often deal with sensitive information and high-value transactions. You need to be especially cognizant of the threat of interception and be able to spot red flags and unusual communications based on the sender, language used, type of request and appearance of the communications. 

3) Educate yourself and others on tactics used to steal information

Cyber threats are constantly evolving but there are core methods used and ways to protect your business against them. Stay up to date on the latest trends and ensure you regularly educate yourself and your employees around any new threats and security measures. 

4) Protect your mobile devices and accounts with secure practices

There are a number of ways you can secure your devices and accounts; optimise your passwords for security, encrypt your devices, log out of session, use multifactor authentication.  These are simple initiatives that can make a big difference and should be implemented across your organisation. 

Think about what we’ve outlined above and whether your current procedures address these points. Conducting regular internal security audits is an important part of a vigilant security program and helps to identify any gaps in your processes. In our next posts, we’ll go into more detail on specific types of cyber threats and practical ways you can secure your firm against them.  In the meantime, you can download our Online Security Tips eBook here.




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